5 Simple and Sure Ways to Relieve Stress

Mary Waweru
4 min readApr 15, 2021

In the hustle and bustle of day to day life, stress is inevitable. It is the body’s reaction to harmful situations, whether real or perceived. It is therefore imperative that you find simple and sure ways to relieve stress.

Stress can be triggered by various factors such as uncertainty, being under pressure, life changes, ailment, overwhelming responsibilities, overworking, and conflict.

The effects of stress are not only felt on your mind but also your body. It lowers your immunity, increases blood pressure, results in headaches and low energy.

Besides, stress affects your relationship with those around you. The relationship strain comes about because you become more irritable and may lose control of your emotions. An uncontrolled stress reaction may lead to dire consequences such as losing your job.

Below are some activities you should try.

1. Exercise

Exercise is a sure way to relieve stress, in light of its multiple benefits.

One significant benefit is its effect on your hormones. It lowers the level of the body’s stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. It then stimulates the production of endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that elevate your mood and act as natural painkillers.

Exercise also enhances your sleep quality, which can be affected by stress.

Regular exercise improves your body image, which boosts your confidence, hence advances your mental well-being.

So get your body moving. It doesn’t have to be a high-intensity workout. It could be a walk, jog, run, swim or dance session. Whatever is enjoyable for you, please do it!

2. Laugh

Laughter instantly changes one’s mood. Whether you’re watching a comedy show, reading a meme, or engaging with a hilarious friend, it undeniably does you good.

Laughter impacts you not only mentally but also physically. It activates and relieves your stress response which leads to a relaxed feeling. Additionally, it stimulates blood circulation and aids muscle relaxation, reducing some physical manifestations of stress. Immunity also improves in the long term as a result of laughing.

Go ahead and try it. Curve your lips into a smile and then laugh, even if it feels a bit forced. Once you’ve had your chuckle, assess how you’re feeling. Are you feeling more relaxed? Are your muscles feeling less tense? That’s the natural wonder of laughter at work.

3. Listen to Soothing Music

Music is an exceptional stress management tool with its ability to relax our minds and bodies. Slow, classical music is highly effective with this. It can have favourable effects on our physiological functions, such as; lowering blood pressure, slowing the pulse and heart rate, and decreasing stress hormone levels.

Music can grab our attention and act as a distraction, which allows us to process our emotions.

You can easily incorporate music into your daily routine. You could listen to it while driving, cooking, showering, exercising, working, or even just having a chill time. Singing along is a great tension reliever.

While classical music is advised for stress relief, finding music that works best for you is vital.

4. Write it Down

Take some time to write down what is stressing you and what you can do about it. Sometimes stress is a result of being overwhelmed. Your to-do list should have small actionable steps to make you realize that it is doable.

Prioritize what is urgent and essential. Have a reasonable time management strategy. If possible, delegate some tasks.

Another thing worth writing is a gratitude journal. Write down all the things for which you are grateful. It could be something as simple as good weather or getting home safe. Gratitude makes you focus on the positive, thus reducing your stress and anxiety.

It can also empower you by reminding all of the resources you have to cope with stress.

5. Create Artwork

Art therapy is an unexpected but sure way to relieve stress. One particular study found that cortisol levels lowered by 75% after a 45-minute art session. This effect was regardless of previous art experience and the type of art chosen.

The artwork options are numerous. They include drawing, doodling, colouring, painting, or modelling using play dough. Choose one and go for it. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

If creating art is not for you, you can get similar benefits from viewing art. Some research has found that browsing through an art gallery can lower cortisol levels and increase dopamine, a pleasure hormone.

So go ahead and colour your stress away.

Parting Shot

Regardless of the trigger, stress is, more often than not, manageable. Managing your stress levels is vital for your well-being. It saves you from potentially severe mental and physical complications.

As such, seek all healthy avenues to relieve stress. However, if you have incredibly high stress levels, it is best to seek medical advice or see a therapist.

